Jamie Pratt

Self Study Courses

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Climate Change Accounting & Sustainability Reporting

Instructor: Jamie Pratt

Credits: 3

Format: Online

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Current Assets and Asset Valuation

Instructor: Jamie Pratt

Credits: 2

Format: Online

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Current Classification, Debt, and Equity

Instructor: Jamie Pratt

Credits: 4

Format: Online

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Earnings Management

Instructor: Jamie Pratt

Credits: 2

Format: Online

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Equity Investments and Long-lived Assets

Instructor: Jamie Pratt

Credits: 2

Format: Online

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Ethics and Earnings Management

Instructor: Jamie Pratt

Credits: 3

Format: Online

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How to Prepare Financial Statements

Instructor: Jamie Pratt

Credits: 3

Format: Online

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How to Read and Analyze Financial Statements

Instructor: Jamie Pratt

Credits: 3

Format: Online

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Preparing and Analyzing the Statement of Cash Flows

Instructor: Jamie Pratt

Credits: 2

Format: Online

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