Paul J Winn CLU ChFC

Paul J Winn CLU ChFC

Paul J. Winn CLU ChFC

B.A., St. John’s University
Law School, University of Virginia
MBA program, Binghamton University

Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York (MONY)
Product developer
Compensation officer
Sales manager

Security Mutual Life Insurance Company
General agent
Marketing vice president
Agency vice president
Vice president – strategic planning officer

Principal Financial Group
Agency Manager

Maryland Financial Corporation

Freelance Writer & Editor
Published book author
Writer & editor of major mutual life insurance company’s agent-training “university”
Creator of 100+ training/continuing education courses

Insurance Industry Involvement
Member, Board of Directors, Baltimore Chapter of CLU & ChFC
Chairman of Continuing Education, Baltimore Chapter of CLU & ChFC
Moderator, GAMA Agency Managers Training Course (AMTC) Baltimore
Member, Board of Directors, Southern Tier (NY) Chapter of CLU & ChFC
President, Southern Tier (NY) Chapter of CLU & ChFC
Member/Secretary, Advisory Board to New York State Insurance Department

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