Non-profit Organizations: Accounting and Reporting Part 3, Expenses
Date: 3/14/2025
Time: 12:00 - 2:00 PM EST
CPE Credit: 2 hours
This webcast is going to help you better understand key accounting and reporting issues for nonprofits: Expense Accounting. We will be covering the understanding of expense accounting – management and general expenses. We will also be going over nonprofit GAAP vs. Form 990.
Topics Covered
- Illustrative financial statements and footnotes
- Financial statement presentations for NPO expenses
- Accounting for joint activities that include fundraising
- Allocation of joint costs among functional expense categories
- Internal controls over cash disbursements and expenses
Learning Objectives:
- Understand principles of accounting and reporting for expense accounts presented on the statement of activities
- Be able to properly account for expenses of non-profit organizations
- Become familiar with internal controls over cash disbursements that enable their proper recognition in financial statements
- Understand how to allocate joint costs
- Be familiar with the statement of functional expenses