CPE Solutions, LLC dba Professionals Publishing Group NASBA Registry ID #111907
Renewal Date: 7/31 on odd-numbered years
Reporting Period: 8/1 to 7/31 biennially, ending on odd-numbered years
Required Hours: 80 hours
Ethics Required: Yes. 4 hours
Subject Breakdown: 8 hours in Accounting and Auditing.
Credit Limits: Maximum credit is 50% for instruction and 25% for authorship of published materials. 10 hour maximum may be carried forward into the next reporting period. Carryover hours cannot be used to satisfy the accounting and auditing or ethics requirements.
Other State Policies: Vermont accepts courses from providers that are members of NASBA's National Registry of CPE Sponsors.
Contact Info:
Vermont Board of Public Accountancy Office of Professional Regulation
National Life Bldg, North FL2
Montpelier, Vermont 05620-3402
Phone: 802-828-2837
Fax: 802-828-2465
Web address: http://vtprofessionals.org/opr1/accountants