CPE Solutions, LLC dba Professionals Publishing Group NASBA Registry ID #111907
Sponsor Info: Professionals Publishing Group is listed as a sponsor with the Kentucky State Board of Accountancy. However, the board does not issue a formal sponsor number.
Renewal Date: 8/1 Renewal; even license number = even years; odd license number = odd years
Reporting Period: 1/1 to 12/31 biennially, even license number = odd years; odd license number = even years.
Required Hours: 80 hours if the CPA worked >3000 hours in a public accounting firm, 60 hours if the CPA worked <3000 hours in a public accounting firm. 60 hours if the CPA is employed in industry, education or government
Ethics Required: 2 hours of professional ethics
Subject Breakdown: The following subject areas are not accepted for CPE credit: Behavioral Ethics, Personnel/HR, Personal Development, Production, and Social Environment of Business.
Credit Limits: The maximum credit for instructors is 60% of total hours. The maximum credit for published articles/books is 25% of total hours.
Other State Policies: The Kentucky State Board of Accountancy accepts providers that are NASBA National Registry of CPE Sponsor and Quality Assurance Service (QAS) members. Providers are not required to be members of the Registry nor do they have to register with the Kentucky State Board of Accountancy
Contact Info:
Kentucky State Board of Accountancy
332 West Broadway, Suite 310
Louisville, Kentucky 40202-2115
Phone: 502-595-3037
Fax: 502-595-4281
Web address: http://cpa.ky.gov/